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La risposta di Ernesto a Francesco--------------------------------------------------------Veramente in questo campo tutto è noto e c'è ben poco da aggiungere. Gli lascio una notizia in inglese, ormai parlato da tutti. E. Holding is in direct relation to the pulling length of the rode .. . (or more accurately, the pulling angle). Generally speaking, with a scope of 4/1 you will have about 55 % of the maximum holding of the anchor, with a scope of 6/1 about 70 % with a scope of 8/1: 80 % and with 10/1 about 85 % the maximum. - 100 % holding will be achieved with a horizontal rode or a "Infinite/1 scope. Increasing the scope will be efficient up to 10/1 - With more than 10/1, a large increase in the scope will give only a negligable increase in holding. Therefore, the total length of the rode has to be adapted in relation with the conditions you are expecting to meet, and should be about ten times the maximum d epth you expect have to anchor in. (I suggest 100 meters).